Endlessly Traversed Landscapes

 Adad Hannah, 2nd Ave. at Fir St., entrance to Granville Island

 Garry Neill Kennedy, East Cordova at Hawkes Avenue
 Genevieve Cadieux, Terminal Avenue at Quebec
 Hannah Jickling and Valerie Salez, West Broadway at Cambie Street
 Ken Lum, Powell Street at Clarke Drive
 Kevin Schmidt, Nelson at Expo Boulevard
 Robin Collyer, West Georgia Street at Burrard
 Robin Collyer, East Hastings Street at Carrall Street
 Sandy Plotnikoff, Broadway at Main Street
 Sandy Plotnikoff, East Hastings Street at Columbia Street
 Garry Neill Kennedy, Skystrip, Canada Line Train
 Susan Dobson, Richards Street between Georgia and Dunsmuir
 Hannah Jickling and Valerie Salez, Main and Terminal Avenue
 Adad Hannah, West 4th Avenue at Hemlock
 Angela Carlsen, Granville Street at Robson Street
 Angela Carlsen, Powell Street at Jackson Street
 Dana Claxton, Expo Boulevard at Nelson Street
 David LaRiviere, Granville Street at Robson Street
 Elizabeth Zvonar, Granville Street at Georgia Street
Sandy Plotnikoff, Langara Station, Canada Line
Natasha McHardy, Burrard Street at Nelson Street
 Robin Collyer, Howe Street at Dunsmuir Street
 Robin Collyer, West Georgia at Burrard Street
 Sonny Assu, Powell Street at Main Street
 Susan Dobson, Expo Boulevard at Abbott Street
 Elizabeth Zvonar, West Georgia Street at Burrard Street
Sandy Plotnikoff, Broadway at Main Street

Curatorial Statement
Natalie Doonan

Endlessly Traversed Landscapes is a public postering project, funded by the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, featuring 21 artists from across Canada.  Their works are located throughout the city of Vancouver, appropriating spaces of advertising, while entering into dialogue with their surroundings.  Billboards are highly contested and competitive zones in which the drama of shifting social relations is played out.  Similarly, bus shelters and trains are transitory sites – outposts that speak to the movement of people through rather brief moments in time.
The title of the exhibition comes from an essay by the French post-war theorist, film maker and poet Guy Debord, entitled The Critique of Separation: "after all the dead time and lost moments, there remain these endlessly traversed postcard landscapes; this distance organized between each and everyone". Debord was a founding member of the Situationists International, a collaborative alliance of artists and activists who attempted to negate the alienating effects of communications media and destroy avant-garde claims of originality.  The works of Endlessly Traversed Landscapes are informed by these concerns and their present trajectories.  They have been selected for their appropriations of material processes and subject matter, and for their ability to provocatively reconsider notions of territory.
The term landscape does not exist outside of systems of privatization.  Landscape therefore denotes at once a claiming of territory and the visualization of natural space. This opportunity to speak in public and be heard is one that each artist has considered with care.
